Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Finally, A-Rod shows a personality – Gambling and Baseball go hand in hand.
I for one applaud A-Rod for acting like a human. Hey, if Michael Jordan can get away with it, why not A-Rod. It’s not like he is doing steroids or gambling on baseball. Let the guy drop some of that not-so-hard earned money on poker. What the hell is a 30 year old millionaire (who makes an annual salary of $25,708,118) supposed to do for fun? There are only so many charities one can handle?

Why don’t the Yankees ask ESPN to stop showing & glamorizing Poker Tournaments? The Yankees are a bunch of Hippocrates. They currently employee an admitted Steroid user? But, are asking a straight and narrow A-Rod to stop playing poker?

Let’s worry about getting Steroids out of baseball and stop fusing over A-Rod visting poker parties.

Next thing you know the Yankees will ask Randy Johnson to cut off his mullet???? To Late! Can you believe the Yankees had Randy Johnson cut off his mullet as part of his contract - PLEASE, LET RANDY GROW OUT HIS AMAZING MULLET.......


Anonymous said...
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Gregg M. Schmidt said...

He's not single...he's married (for like 4-5 years) with a few kids.
A-Rod is an arrogant jerk. I hope they never win again while he wears that uniform...and after he leaves too - HaHa

rblake said...

Yes, I failed to do my research on his married status. I don't follow the yankees and I'm not a fan of A-Rod - I just wanted to say "Let A-ROD Play Poker"

Sorry Gregg!

P V R said...

a-rod is an a-hole ... actually, he doesn't bother me. it's that damn Jap Matsui that I can't stand. Where does he get off being japanese and playing baseball?

Gregg M. Schmidt said...

it's ok - just don't let it happen too often...because I'll call you out when I catch you! HaHa

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